Friday, October 15, 2010

Nefiri From Riau Indonesia

"Nefiri" (The Trumpet) The trumpet is a traditional musical instrument which originated from Riau province on Sumatra island that looks similar to the trumpet. Riau's Malay community itself not only to develop a musical instrument like the trumpet, but also musical instruments such as cymbals, tetawak, improbable, kompang, harp, marwas, drums, tambourine, flute, fiddle, drum, gong, flute, harp, violin and accordion. Musical instruments above produces its own rhythms and melodies that are different from other musical instruments. We can see the game this instrument along with performances makyong which is a traditional art form that is still played and passed on in the province of Riau. Aside from being a musical instrument, the trumpet is also used as a communication tool malay community. Primarily to inform about the disaster, and news about the death.
The origins of the instrument is not so clear. If you look at the history of Riau province, since the first was occupied by the Malays during the Srivijaya kingdom. The Malays are occupying various places in Malacca. Assimilation that occurred between the Malay community with Padang tribe, Javanese, Minangkabau, Bugis, Banjar and Batak led to the emergence of a variety of cultures including the musical instruments. However, there is an opinion that this instrument originated from India because of similar musical instrument to play snake. There was also the opinion that this instrument originated from the Middle East region because of the similarity of names is naifr.
At the time of empires, the trumpet is one important tool to be used in the coronation ceremony the king than as a musical instrument in the palace. In the first Malay kingdom Nobat heirloom tools such as trumpet, drums, betel esar, and the emblem is a symbol of the country or so-called royal regelia which serve as the spiritual power and privilege along with the royal customs. Without these tools the coronation of a king can not be validated. There is a belief in ancient times when the spiritual force is corrupt it will be destroyed and fell down the dignity and worth of the nation. For the Kingdom of the Malay kingdom on the shoreline, an empire may be conquered, captured, and controlled by other parties. King or sultannya could have been displaced and fled to other countries or regions, seeking protection. But, if not deprived of Regelia Kingdom and not taken, while Regelia magic and it is still held sacred by the king, the country's sovereignty is still erect. Sultannya still have sovereignty, and he can establish a kingdom on the go, and made king anywhere. Because the tools were considered to have supernatural powers, not yet conquered. Therefore, anyone who holds and given the task of keeping Regelia, was a strong and mighty. A person who has powers far above the other powers, including sultannya own. Usually the person is an advisor to the king. In Kedah trumpets along with musical instruments other nobat kept in a place called Hall Nobat. Nobat Hall itself is a typical building with Islamic architecture. This can be seen with a dome on top. This building has been frequently renovated, especially in the era of Sultan of Kedah which is the 25th Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah that has occupied the throne from 1854 until 1879. Nobat derived from Persian word 'Naubat "which means nine instruments. Nobat is orchestral music that is used mainly for royal coronations of kings, nobles and welcome a special guest. The players called the People Nobat. Nobat also played together with other holy festivals such as death. There is a belief that originated nobat Indian tradition that is transmitted by the traders who was stopped in the straits of Malacca.
At first the kingdom era, trumpets are used as a tool to declare war against another kingdom. Also, the trumpets used to preach about the death of the king, the king lifted. This tool is also used to gather the people, for they soon came to the palace square to listen to news or announcements of their people. Therefore, the tool is used as a royal heirloom items.
In Malaysia, we also will find a musical instrument called a trumpet, although with a slightly different form. In the country this instrument can we meet to accompany folk songs and traditional ceremonies. We can see this instrument in the orchestra nobat in Malaysia. This instrument is also used for the coronation title of nobility. One of the people who never get an honorary degree in Riau is the sultan's Indigenous Hamengkubuwono X. When his coronation took place sound the trumpet along with other traditional instruments to accompany the event in front of Malay Adat Assembly refinement. The tools were used as markers diangaktanya someone as noble. Currently, the function becomes more reduced because the trumpet is used only on special occasions or royal celebrations conducted by the Malay community.
According to the confidence of the Malays of Riau, when playing this instrument of the players possessed by the gods, haunter, and fairies. So as if they convey a message of impending danger or other important events. Therefore, before blowing this instrument need dipusung is smoked over censer. The trumpet is blown with air flow uninterrupted for two or three hours. Trumpet player should people who have a long breath, healthy body, and has a special technique so as not to break tiupannya. Trumpets blown by hand right hand while his left hand holding the bottom.
Function and usability
1. Accompaniment of traditional dance, henna dance, dance dance Jinugroho and Olang. 2. As a major instrument in the music robat which is music played in society. 3. As a melody that is used to determine the movements of silat. 4. For the coronation of kings when Riau still shaped kingdoms and nobles. 5. Signs of the occurrence of wars, disasters, and death. 6. The instrument used as a spiritual marker to summon the gods, spirits, or ancestral spirits.

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